But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. - Luke 8:15
Thank you for entrusting your children to our ministry! We do not take this responsibility lightly. Our priority in caring for your child is to teach them the truth from God's Word.

Nursery - Pre K and Younger
The Nursery provides a child-safe and loving environment for infants and toddlers.
Additionally, a Nursing Mothers Room is available, via the nursery, with the worship service broadcast into the room.

Children's Church - 5 years old through 4th Grade
Children grow and flourish during a time of prayer and worship, age-appropriate lessons from God's Word, and encouragement to stand firm in their faith.

Kid's - 5th through 6th Grade
Kids meet together and open up with a time of prayer, and then move into their current lesson series on an overview of every book of the Bible using videos from The Bible Project.
On the first Sunday of the month, the 5th-6th graders do not meet, but join their parents in the service for communion.
Information for Parents
We provide a Gospel-centered lesson where the children are taught the Truth from God's Word. Our workers are mature believers that believe the Bible is the core method by which we learn about God.
Your child will always be in the care of workers who have been trained and background checked. The church has medical professionals available and an active and attentive security team monitoring the church.
Children are checked in at the Sprout Kiosk where they receive a sticker name tag with an unique security code. In the event you are needed, we will notify you immediately.
Join our Children's Ministry Team!
If you are interested in serving in the Children’s Ministry, please email Annie Dalton, Children's Ministry Director.
Children’s Ministry Questions?
New to the church, and need to register your child? Want to know when the next Children's Ministry event?
Reach out today!
Reach out today!